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Dog Potty Training With Dog Litter Box
Puppy House Training And Much More

FREE Basic Dog Obedience Training Video On Essential
Commands As The Minimum Standards To Teach Your
Dog With Complete Progressions Fully Demonstrated

Hi, I'm Roxie!  I'm a Lhasa Apso dog and that's me at the top with my brother Chester when we were just puppies.  Our master, Clint Cora (we call him Daddy), has been a dog owner since 1979.  If you came here for information on dog potty training and puppy house training indoors with a dog litter box, then you've come to the right place. My daddy created this website just to help other dog owners so that their new puppies will have happy comfortable lives like my brother and I do.  

See the video above about a FREE basic dog obedience training video we want to share with you.  In this FREE video, we demonstrate;

image dog potty training puppy house training dog litter box ESSENTIAL commands including sit, down, and stand (plus why stand is useful)
image dog potty training puppy house training dog litter box More CHALLENGING commands like come (recall) and stay
image dog potty training puppy house training dog litter box The MINIMUM STANDARDS that all dogs should be taught
image dog potty training puppy house training dog litter box Daily training DRILLS to keep skills sharp for your puppy
image dog potty training puppy house training dog litter box All puppy obedience training progressions are FULLY DEMONSTRATED
image dog potty training puppy house training dog litter box Indoor and outdoor recalls for DIFFERENT environments

Just enter your name and email below so he can send you the link to this FREE dog training video that we starred in - privacy policy.

By the way, both my brother and I went through dog potty training with a dog litter box. If you didn't think it was possible for successful indoor puppy house training with a dog litter box, my brother and I will prove it to you in the cute video below.

Indoor Puppy House Training
With Dog Litter Box

image dog potty training puppy house training dog litter box

For lots of information on how we were trained, see our Dog Potty Training With A Dog Litter Box page. 

image dog potty training puppy house training dog litter box
Chester and Roxie

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